Deep Worth is a journal project on the worth of creative labor, and an inquiry into sustainable funding patterns for the work of those who practice art forms.
Like A Digital Incubation Space and Slowcore HQ before it, this project was seeded through collective intelligence: i.e., the Farcaster scenius.
Started in Dec. 2024, the Deep Worth project invites thoughtful, open-ended public conversations. There’s also a private group chat on Warpcast for further discussion.
This site is a collection of “worthy” writings maintained by Danica Swanson, a word nerd and Farcaster OG who enjoys writing in paradoxical, hard-to-define problem spaces.
Inquiries on creative work and “earning a living” — critical thinking about monetizing time, how cultural norms value and devalue creative labor, and the Puritan work ethic.
Farcaster’s Value Prop: Great Conversations
How Did Deep Worth Get Started?
🟣 In the Farconomy, Hope is a Powerful Drug
In the Farconomy, Hope is a Powerful Drug